Young and the Restless: Daniel & Sharon Cozy Up and Phyllis Rages!

Young and the Restless: Daniel & Sharon Cozy Up and Phyllis Rages!

Young and the Restless sees Sharon Newman (Sharon Case) and Daniel Romalotti (Michael Graziadei) on a new path as they try to heal from recent tragic events. But when these two get closer, Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford) is not going to handle it well and may come totally unhinged yet again.

Young and the Restless: Sharon and Daniel’s Journey to Forgiveness

Now that the truth is out about Heather Stevens’ (Vail Bloom) death and Ian Ward’s (Ray Wise) and Jordan Howard‘s (Colleen Zenk) involvement and Phyllis and Sharon went through their life and death kidnapping ordeal, we are seeing Daniel and Sharon trying to move forward and forgive each other. Sharon didn’t kill Heather, so Daniel obviously isn’t going to blame her for that.

However, Sharon still framed Daniel for Heather’s death, so Sharon obviously wants Daniel to forgive her for that. Even though what Sharon did was awful, Ian and Jordan had drugged her for months and Daniel understands that. So it’s not like Sharon was herself when she made the choice to frame him on Young and Restless. But of course, the Daniel framing outraged Phyllis and there’s more on this to come.

Unresolved Grief and Blame: The Lingering Shadow of Cassie’s Death

Meanwhile, Sharon never fully forgave Daniel and has blamed him for more than a decade for Cassie Newman’s (Camryn Grimes) death. I think it’s been more than a decade, but Daniel didn’t kill Cassie. She, the kid, made a bad choice to get behind the wheel with no license and no clue how to drive a vehicle because she wanted to drive past Daniel’s home.

He was drunk in the car and Cassie had a crush on him and she drove and she crashed and she gave herself those fatal injuries. Daniel was guilty of being a dumb teenage boy who drank too much at a party and passed out in his car. He was sleeping it off, he wasn’t driving drunk, but still Sharon blamed him because that was the easier thing to do. And initially, that’s what people thought.

Healing and Forgiveness: Daniel and Sharon’s Path Forward in 2025 on Y&R

And now Daniel and Sharon are both working really hard to heal and forgive each other and put it all behind them. Recently, Daniel ran into Sharon at Crimson Lights and they had a heart-to-heart and they both really want to move past the blame and resentment.

So Daniel and Sharon are on a good path, that nice talk they had was stage one, but there may be a lot more ahead for her and Daniel in the 2025 year-at-a-glance spoilers that showrunner Josh Griffith (head writer) gave out.

He said that Phyllis’s son has a big storyline ahead and it’s one that you know his mom may not like at all depending on how it goes. So the head writer hinted that after forgiving Sharon, we’re going to see Daniel on this new path. So the showrunner said it’s this different path for Daniel after forgiving Sharon.

Young and the Restless: Will Daniel and Sharon Find Romance? Exploring the Emotional Wild Side

And then Josh Griffith said he didn’t want to say there’s a romance coming for Daniel and I don’t know if he didn’t want to say that because it hadn’t been that long since Heather was killed and all that worked out. But what Josh Griffith did say was it’s a walk on the emotional wild side for Daniel. Now what he didn’t say was that there is no romantic potential on Young and the Restless.

He just said he didn’t want to say it. So to me, it actually sounded like he was kind of teasing the possibility of there being romance and it sounds like Sharon and Daniel keep bonding and getting closer as this all rocks along. So these two are going to form a connection, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it will have any romantic undertones. You know, it may be strictly friendship, but you never know, it might be more.

Young and Restless: Phyllis’s Reaction – Will Jealousy and Old Grudges Resurface?

Sharon and Daniel have turned a corner, they’re both trying to support each other as they heal from events of the past year. And as of now, Sharon and Phyllis are also burying the hatchet and trying not to get mired in hate like they’ve been for so long. The psych hospital torment was hard on both of them. But that’s over and since Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) isn’t dating either of them or looking to reconcile with either Sharon or Phyllis, that removes a big topic of contention between them.

But with Nick out of the way, Daniel may become the topic of contention and drama between them, maybe. So watch for Sharon and Daniel to start spending more time together and they’re going to develop this deep and genuine friendship that’s very healing and cathartic for both of them.

Young and the Restless: Sharon Newman (Sharon Case) - Daniel Romalotti (Michael Graziadei) - Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford)
Young and the Restless: Sharon Newman – Daniel Romalotti – Phyllis Summers

Y&R: History Repeats?

And since it’s a soap, we also have to wonder if these two getting close means at some point, you know, Sharon and Daniel may cross the line from friendship into romance or intimacy with or without romance, there’s a lot of options.

It would be super weird because Sharon’s dead daughter once had a crush on Daniel, but weirder romances have happened on Y&R and Sharon’s last boyfriend was Chance Chancellor (Conner Floyd) who is about the same age as Daniel because they’re kind of messing with the actor ages, you know.

Friendship or Romance on Y&R? Phyllis’s Inevitable Fury and Potential Payback

So, the thing is even if Sharon and Daniel stay in the friend zone, that is still enough to infuriate Phyllis. But whether it’s friendship or romance ahead for Sharon and Daniel, you know, Phyllis isn’t going to like it and she’s not going to tolerate it. Right now Sharon and Phyllis are still processing their kidnapping trauma.

They’re trying to work through it together and by being forced to work together and save each other’s lives in the clinic, something has definitely shifted with them. So there’s healing potential and of course, Sharon and Phyllis are never ever going to be besties, but they’re taking these baby steps towards peace with each other, letting go of all the bitterness.

Young and Restless: A New Beginning?

Sharon’s more open to it, but you know, we know this is especially hard for Phyllis because she just is a grudge holder and to be fair, Sharon has hated Phyllis many times over the years usually over her cheating with Nick when he was with Sharon. But both seem ready for peace in their lives. It’s going to be a little harder for Phyllis, but she is willing to try it seems.

So all that could change and go out the window though if Sharon and Daniel keep hanging out getting closer and Phyllis finds out which of course she will. And then Sharon and Phyllis’s newfound peace may go out the window and heaven forbid if this emerging bond between Daniel and Sharon turns romantic, Phyllis will lose her ever-loving mind.

Young and Restless: Daniel Gets Payback?

She might even think that Sharon is using Daniel to get payback on Phyllis for past issues like when she slept with Nick when he was with Sharon, which has happened more than once. You may recall that Sharon and Nick’s last time at the altar blew up when Sharon revealed to everybody at the church that Nick had cheated with Phyllis.

And that was with Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) sitting in the pew right beside Phyllis whom he had just proposed to. So hashtag awkward. We know Phyllis is always going to assume the worst where Sharon is concerned. So either way once Phyllis sees that Daniel is getting closer to Sharon for any reason, Phyllis is going to rage at Sharon and probably accuse her of vile things where Daniel is concerned. It sounds messy, it sounds soapy and I’m totally here for it.

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