Windsor bakeries call in reinforcements for Paczki Day

Windsor bakeries call in reinforcements for Paczki Day

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This is the mother of all cheat days.

There were no calorie counts on Tuesday, and no ingui, as thousands faithfully observed the beloved Windsor-Dedreut tradition: paczki day.

During the year, everyone is polished and filled uncomfortablely. The flavors and fillings may vary, but every bakery that makes Paczki (essentially softball-sized donuts) can agree on one thing.

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“It’s the busiest day of our year,” said Torus Donuts owner Jenna Fimms, one of the new players on the Windsor’s century-old Paczki stage. “It’s crazy. My staff worked 12 hours of shifts throughout the week, just for that. This started last Tuesday.”

Paczki Day lands on Tuesday Fatty, or Tuesday Shrove Tuesday, before the start of Christian Lent. Traditionally, it’s a day to use ingredients before giving up Lent.

Other cities know it’s pancake Tuesday.

Fan bag
2-year-old River Weaver bit a Paczki on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at Stiemar Bread Company in Windsor. Photos and Janis /Windsor Star
Daily bag
Moe Lefrancois picked up Paczkis at Stiemar Bread Company in Windsor on Tuesday, March 4, 2025. Photos and Janis /Windsor Star

Paczki or Paczek If you have one for only some reason, then options for Windsor and Detroit are indulging because of their large Polish community.

Europeans have eaten a lot of donuts since the Middle Ages at least.

This tradition began in Windsor, when Blak’s bakery made Paczki every year since it opened in 1918. When they turned into Paczki Week for Paczki Week, bakeries usually make about 30,000 Polish donuts.

Paczki was originally filled with trim. But now, they can be served in a variety of flavors, with powdered sugar outside.

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Stiemar bread, which opened in 1959, was sold in six flavors on Tuesday.

The bakery left this year with its usual agreement, without booking, and focusing on walking. By the time they settled in powdered sugar on Tuesday, they expected to sell about 30,000 Paczkis to steady flows for regular customers and new immigrants.

“It’s a lot of donuts,” said director Lori Theriault. “There are only a few donut makers left in the city. Every day, donuts are already in demand in the city. But having paczki, which makes it even more special for those who like to come in that day. It’s a huge celebration of many workplaces.”

Ring Donuts
Paczki buyers line up in the rain at the Torus Donuts store in Windsor on Tuesday, March 4, 2025. Photos and Janis /Windsor Star

Torus sells eight flavors of Paczki and does not track the numbers. But Fimms said sales have been in thousands of dollars over the past few years.

“People are so excited,” she said. “It’s a year, it’s the only time you can get them. I think that’s what makes it so exciting that it’s only once a year.”

Like other local bakeries, there were more Torus in the past week, getting ready for a big day, adding staff and working around the clock.

On a regular day, Torus employees work from 5 a.m.

“For Paczki Day, we started at 8pm the night before,” Fimms said. “We are basically twice as good as our staff. We get every family, friends, volunteer. It’s been a busy day.”

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