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Now that Mark Carney is elected as Justin Trudeau as Liberal leader and becomes Canada’s new prime minister by default, I only offer him three suggestions. These three words are: Remember Michael Ignatieff!
About 17 years ago, he thought he could simply land in the Liberal Party from his outside world and become the party’s savior. But if my memory was serving me correctly, his parachute didn’t open exactly the way it should, and the result wasn’t great. Mr. Carney, I think you might like this historical flashback.
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Kurt Redschlag, Edmonton
Did Smith audition for our job?
Alberta waited for hours at ERS, struggling with rising costs, watching children’s school collapse, but Danielle Smith headed to Florida to share the stage with Ben Shapiro, known for mocking women, attacking LGBTQ2S+ people, denying climate change, and turning hatred into a business model. This is the time our Prime Minister thinks he deserves.
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As Donald Trump slapped Canada with devastating tariffs, Smith ran to American Media to leave Albertans in the dark until the next day. Now, with the moral scandal shutting down, her government is investigating, she is driving south again – auditioning for a show. Smith knew she was getting closer. She was about to jump ship.
It’s never about Alberta. It’s always about Danielle Smith. If she doesn’t fight for us, she should go aside. Good Alberta will clean up the mess she left behind here.
Jason Cook, Edmonton
Another obstacle to Albertamu law
about. March 7, “Decisive action must be taken now to protect the Alberta Forestry Industry”
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As a result, the Alberta Forest Products Association (AFPA) is concerned about its health during a period of severe trade turmoil and tariffs. Canadians are finally screaming at their politicians to remove inter-provincial trade barriers.
Now, the AFPA wants Alberta to pass the “Built with Alberta Wood Act.” Absolute my confusion, but isn’t this another protective tariff? It seems to be a logical disconnect to me.
David L. Young, Edmonton
Unelected PM is undemocratic
In which universe, no matter what the political party, should an unelected person be able to walk into the streets and become the party leader and become prime minister? This is undemocratic, just wrong. Mark Carney will soon become Prime Minister of Canada, never elected to office, never ridden on behalf of the federal government, and never sat in our House of Commons.
Canada calls itself a democracy. To me, it certainly doesn’t look like it. It’s just mean politics, and every citizen in Canada should be offended.
Ronald P. Franklin, Lethbridge
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