Thousands take part in Jr. All-Native Basketball Tournament in the Okanagan

Thousands take part in Jr. All-Native Basketball Tournament in the Okanagan

Deguevara and NXSCIN Jade Montgomery-Waardenburg tackled the athletes at the end of the half.

The coaches know what it takes to win because they used to wear Syilx Nation basketball jerseys at all local basketball tournaments in their junior year.

“It’s another nerve, another excitement because you can teach and go through it and have that experience, so you know it’s special,” Deguevara said.

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This time, the bet is higher. It was the largest tournament to date, bringing 1,200 athletes to the courtrooms throughout Okanagan.

“We have forts from forts to remote communities like Haida Gwaii, Bella Coola, and remote communities with BC teams like Bella Bella Bella, and represent their people and their communities,” said junior Tara Montgomery, a junior who plays all basketball.

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For athletes, the week-long race is a unique experience that allows them to connect with other Aboriginal athletes while participating in some friendly competitions.

“Just establish connections with all my other teammates and cousins ​​and have fun on the court, that’s everything,” Waverly Butler said.

Both teams will compete with the final team for the championship on Friday within a week.

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