As part of our series, exploring how New Zealandes live and our relationship with money, a ‘broken’ volunteer and former policy consumer explains how it goes.
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Gender: Man.
Age: 31.
Ethnicity: Mixed ethnicity.
Paper: Unemployed (former policy advisor); Volunteer (Cultural Security Leader/Training).
Salary/Income/Assets: $ 374.92/week.
My place of life is: Urban.
Rent/mortgage per week: $ 200.
Loan for students or other debt payments per week: US $ 20/Week (Credit Card Debt for Medical Accounts).
Typical Food Weekly Costs
Groceries: $ 80/week.
Eat out: $ 0.
Takeaways: $ 0.
Lunches on the day of work: $ 0.
Coffee/Coffee Snacks: $ 0.
Savings: $ 10/week (average)
I worry about money: Always.
Three words to describe my financial situation: It broke, depressing, imprisonment.
My greatest edible indulgence would be: Cheese.
In a typical week, my alcohol expense would be: $ 2.50 (one bottle of cider once a month – if it is in particular).
In a typical week, my transportation expense would be: $ 30- $ 35. $ 30 Flamingo Weekly Pass, $ 5 for the bus if the time is bad (and I have to leave, otherwise I stay home).
I Estimate last year the amount of stadium I spent on my personal clothes (including sleeping clothes and underwear) was: $ 100.
My most expensive clothes last year was: Shoes ($ 80).
My last pair of shoes costs: $ 80, casual.
My cleaning/beauty expenses in one year are about: $ 250 to $ 300 ($ 25/month, buzzcut).
My exercise expense in a year is about: $ 0.
My last cost of Friday night: $ 0.
The most unfortunate purchase in the last 12 months was: TakeaWays. If it is cheap, it is not satisfactory. It was not satisfactory.
The most indulgent purchase (which I don’t regret) in the last 12 months was: US $ 90 Christmas gift for myself: Music Production Software, Intro Pack (Creative Outlet).
An area where I am a little stylized is: Food.
Five words to describe my financial personality would be: Frazier, self -conscious, anxious, tight, affectionate.
I grew up in a house where the money was: Tight. Solo mother, two children.
The last time my EFTPOS card was refused was: Two weeks ago. I had no money to pay for a weekly Flamingo scooter pass (cheaper travel option).
In five years, in financial terms, I see myself: In a better place than me now (I hope).
Describe your financial low: Two months ago. The friend had to give me money to consult a doctor because I could not pay the transportation or consultation of $ 20 (with community service card) to check a possible broken bone after a fall. I spent my last $ 20 buying betadine and pharmacy sauces for pastors. The bone was broken; I still couldn’t repay the friend.
I would love to have more money to: Good food. Ploughmans/Freya VS bread $ 1.20 full. Chicken breast vs canned chicken.
I give money to: I don’t have enough money to donate …