Tax cuts passed in final Senate session before election

Tax cuts passed in final Senate session before election

Labor surprise budget tax Cortes for each Australian They have been hurried to the law, delivering the average worker approximately the equivalent of a cup of coffee a week from next year.
The movement will force Coalition To drop his opposition to the cuts of $ 17 billion, he described an “electoral bribery” or addressed the federal path of the electoral campaign with a promise to repeal them.
Meanwhile, opposition leader Peter Dutton According to reports, you are looking to face face to face with labor at the cost of living with a cut of $ 6 billion to announce the special tax to combine in your budget response speech tonight.
The shadow treasurer Angus Taylor and opposition leader Peter Dutton in the House of Representatives of the House of Parliament in Canberra on Wednesday, March 26, 2025. Fedpol Photo: Alex Ellinghause
The shadow treasurer Angus Taylor and opposition leader Peter Dutton in the House of Representatives of the House of Parliament in Canberra on Wednesday, March 26, 2025. Fedpol Photo: Alex Ellinghause (Alex Ellinghausen)

But last night were the labor cuts, with a value of $ 268 to a worker who won $ 79,000 next year and $ 536 the subsequent year, to the front and the center on a final day busy for the period of the Senate.

They passed with the support of the greens and the opposition of the senators of the coalition, but not without criticism of the minor party.

“These tax cuts will barely scratch the surface for people fighting for food or rent, they will not enter into force for 15 months and will save low -income workers only 73 cents per day, which would not even cover a cup of coffee per week,” the greens said.

The opposition did not talk about the bill in the Senate, but Dutton justified his position in an interview with the 9NEWS political editor Charles Croucher earlier in the day.

“I think what the Australians saw last night was a cruel deception,” he said.

“They are 70 cents per week in 15 months.”

In images: the first power pages of the federal budget newspapers

Dutton said that the relief of the cost of living, the property of housing and national security were priorities for the coalition, but did not commit when he was pressed to reveal whether his opposition to tax cuts meant that his party would go to the elections on a higher tax platform than the laborists.

“We will have the budget in response on Thursday, as you point out, and we will keep our details by then,” Dutton said.

Some of that detail came out during the night in The Sydney Morning HeraldHe informed that Dutton would announce a reduction of special fuel taxes of 50.8 ¢ to 25.4 ¢ per liter, which estimates that he would save a home from a car that is filled once a week around $ 14 per tank.

“If you are chosen, we will reduce the special fuel tax for 12 months,” Dutton told the newspaper in a statement.

“We will provide this relief relief immediately, while people have to wait 15 months for the 70th cents of 70 cents.”

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said yesterday that the country could pay the labor tax cut, while Treasurer Jim Chalmers described the opposition of the treasurer of the Shadow Angus Taylor to them a “brain explosion” that “makes the decision in this election absolutely clear.”

Treasurer Dr. Jim Chalmers during the budget speech in the House of Representatives of the House of Parliament in Canberra on Tuesday, March 25, 2025. Fedpol Photo: Alex Ellinghausen (Alex Ellinghausen)

Layada del Senate until May, at which time the elections will have been called, the finance minister, Katy Gallagher, took a last chance to criticize the opposition.

“We have seen what we have seen this term, those opposites, opposing everything we are trying to do to help homes,” he said.

“Tonight, they have opposed to take measures on gender equality in the workplace. They have voted not to keep NBN in public property. They have voted no to Tafe free of fees … They have voted not to tax cuts for each taxpayer.”

Dutton pronounces his budget response speech tonight.

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