The Tasmania Orwellian Growth Department is presented on the new speed cameras that have installed that they are raising tens of thousands of dollars to feed the fat bureaucracy of the liberal state.
The department, which incorporates seven ministers and their layers of corporate management bureaucrats, has revealed that during a recent test of new automatic speed cameras on the Tasman Bridge in Tasmania, more than 700 drivers were trapped by speeding every week.
And in the NSW average speed cameras, which previously only monitored heavy vehicles, will soon begin to detect all drivers in a test from May 1 in two locations. According to Yahoo News, everything is very Kosher, regardless of what drivers think, because “global studies show that the average speed application significantly reduces accidents.”
This state extortion is at the top of the extortion made by the councils and their bureaucracies, which fine to the people of hundreds of dollars for simply parking a vehicle in a natural strip, when it is a safer option than to park and half block a narrow street.
So, friends, “let’s cultivate Tasmania” fattening the income they take from the plebios that lead to and from their humble works, while the ministers and bureaucrats of the growth department caress in the back due to their new high -tech cameras can more efficiently register some Sucker that they conduct 5.5kmh above the limit.
“Speeding” was traditionally recognized as a dangerous driving at a speed that endangers other road users. It happens all the time with Hoons and their Hotted Up cars that terrify the neighborhoods at midnight, but it is rarely applied.
A car in dry conditions on a road with 5-10 kmh above the limit is not a dangerous driving and may not present a danger to anyone.
But in Tasmania, “exceeding the applicable speed limit for the length of the road in less than 10 kmh”, it attracts a fine of $ 101 plus 2 points of demerit. 10-14 kmh attracts a fine of $ 151 and so on. The minimum of NSW for the speed of 10 kmh and less is an Arbitrary $ 145. But if you go to court and is declared guilty, they are $ 2200 massive, a shameless act of state extortion designed to deny justice to people.
The Yahoo News government reports that “the authorities argue that the improvements will improve the application and, ultimately, will save lives.” In other words, Big Brother Government wants you to drive as a scared mouse, constantly observing your speedometer for fear of incurring another mischief.
But speeding fines are not the only source of additional income for fat catocrats in the “growth department”. There are also instant electronic fines for violation of regulations around the control of the game, animal welfare and parks and wildlife, the environment, the control of liquors and the crowd, the licenses and the garbage, the public health, the fishing, the withdrawal and the illicit offenses of drugs and police.
And perhaps we should also see the growing licensing racket and the associated growth industry of putting people through courses paid to qualify for their licenses. This is a plague in all Australian states.
Meanwhile, the seven liberal ministers who run the growth department are giving their “growth business” mantra. They have subsidies to distribute for anyone and all who start a small company. Simply let them hold his hand and his friendly bureaucrats of the department will guide him along the way.
Is it hindered by red and green ribbon? Oh, no problem, Taswegian, because a new “bureaucracy reduction portal” is “facilitating Tasmania companies to inform the regulatory bureaucracy that can stop them or cost them time and money.”
“The bureaucracy reduction coordinator will directly review all the presentations of the bureaucracy so that appropriate measures can be considered,” says the growth department.
Some words of Cairns’s news advice to the seven ministers of fat cats and their heads of department of fat cats: get rid of at least half of their damn regulations and bureaucracy of several layers and follow the example of Trump and salt of people’s lives. Then your state will grow.
The State in a free country has a central role, which is the protection of life and private property. The speeding that endangers life and property is obvious when it occurs and can be detected by cameras or observation and no one opposes when processed.