Rule Breakers review: Terrific drama shows the battle for girls’ education in Afghanistan

Rule Breakers review: Terrific drama shows the battle for girls’ education in Afghanistan

Rule Breakers review: Terrific drama shows the battle for girls’ education in Afghanistan

Roya Mahboob (Nikohl Boosheri), centre, with young Afghan people

Angel Studios

Rule Breakers
Directed by Bill Guttentag
US: Out now UK: Released 25 March

Time magazine named Roya Mahboob among the 100 most influential people in the world in 2013. She was the first Afghan woman to be CEO of a technology firm, having founded the Afghan Citadel Software Company in 2010. She is also co-founder of the country’s all-female robotics team for girls aged 12 to 18, called the Afghan Dreamers.

This is the focus of Rule Breakers, directed and co-written by Bill Guttentag. It tells the story…

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