The Library Atatū became the scene of a violent protest last month, but librarians say they are facing almost daily threats in many places.
Photo: Screen Capture / Facebook
An Auckland’s ex -biblotection says that threats and intimidation have become a daily part of the library’s life, as lawyers ask the councils and the government to do more to keep workers safe.
Seven people attended the court for a violent protest against a Community Arc event at the Te Atatū library in Auckland last month.
But that was far from being the only incident.
Sixteen people were invaded from the new Ashburton library in their first eight months, and Whanganui’s council reported threatening behavior this month.
Lawyers said that libraries need to be prepared for challenges to their content or events is a sad accusation.
Hannah Edwards was a librarian for just under 23 years and said she loved the work.
But last year, she renounced the ōtāhuhu library.
“Sometimes people can be really stressed, and you know, cost of living, difficult home life, difficult situations can make people really stressed, so that it takes a lot from the team, dealing with it,” she said.
“Most of the time, we feel we were really social workers.”
The Auckland Central Library has frequently on duty.
Photo: Google Maps
She described cases of unsafe behavior as a daily occurrence.
“I was never sexually harassed by any of the men, but many people were … We had teenagers entering the library with knives, there were fights,” she said.
Edwards said something else should be done to keep librarians safe.
“I know that the people I worked with love to work in libraries, I loved working in libraries, but some of these things that happen day by day and they happen daily, are really, really drainage.”
The public libraries of New Zealand and the Library and the Information Association have written an open letter to local governments, highlighting the need to ensure that library workers are safe.
Executive Director of the Library and Information Association, Laura Marshall, said they had an on -line tool kit to help libraries defend themselves against those who want to restrict content.
“It’s a little sad accusation of society that, before running an event, you must be prepared to have a challenge, but I think that’s exactly where we are in society at the moment,” said Marshall.
“So that’s what we are trying to do, to support members to be ready for these challenges and then perform their programs successfully.”
“With our freedom reading tool kit, it has some really practical advice, has some of the legalities of being challenged, has support for events, recommends that you have your main messages before you even start an event …”
“But there are also some case studies, so you can read in other libraries and as they have also dealt with it, and I think to support members, you know that you are not alone, someone has done it, you can do it, and freedom of information is very important and you are being supported by your wider members and your colleagues.”
Auckland Community Director Rachel Kelleher said the board takes steps to keep the team and visitors safely.
“We provide training and that training is focused on dealing with both conflicts, but also reducing these situations as they occur.”
“We have very strong connections with social services and dissemination providers, so that we can enter those where we have customers who may need some additional support and, when necessary, we also have security on site in some of our library facilities,” Kelleher said.
She said the open letter sent to the advice raised some fair points.
“We have seen increases in some of the antisocial behaviors in some of our community facilities, and I think what is really important is that we make it very clear that the safety of our team and customers is always our priority.”
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