Nathalie Provost threatens to invite former Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

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Ottawa – Four bullets she survived during the 1989 Polytechnic Massacre, fired by mass murderers. She has been running for decades for strict gun control. Now, she is a candidate for a liberal.
Nathalie Provost recently criticized the slow pace of liberals on compulsory gun buyback programs and threatened to invite former Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to the 35th anniversary of the Polytechnique commemoration, which will be held under the Canadian Liberal Party flag, riding Châteauguay-Les Jardins-jardins-jardins-de-napierville on a federal ride on federal riding, nearby.
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“My biggest fear is seeing a conservative government elected because if there is a conservative government, it means everything we have fought for over the past 35 years will be gone forever,” Prost said in an interview with the National Post.
She said Prime Minister Mark Carney was “unable to go backtrack” when the mandatory repo program announced in December was launched. They believe the plan is designed to retrieve a list of commercial banned weapons of assault.
“There is still work to be done, but I think I will be able to help get it done,” she added.
Prost said no other party can go further than the liberals. Recently, just days after Trudeau’s resignation, liberals banned nearly 200 other types of guns and promised details of mandatory repurchase compensation this spring.
“I know sometimes I’ve been very, very strongly against them because I don’t agree with the way they manage things. But over the past decade, I’ve still been convinced that we share the same values.”
Provost, a Quebec engineer and civil servant, graduated from Polytechnique, is a spokesperson for Polymembers, who is moving for better gun control.
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In March, before Carney was elected as leader, she contacted the party and became a candidate. On Friday, she said she never had the “privilege” to talk to Carney.
Liberal sources said they were “surprised” and were almost honored by the idea of her candidate. Over the past year, the party has struggled to find star candidates, even in provinces where liberals won their last three general elections.
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However, since Trudeau announced his resignation in January, the candidate pool has increased significantly.
In Quebec, she is certainly seen as a well-known “star and powerful candidate” in the media ecosystem. Many liberals privately said she was the same type of candidate as Liberal Congressman Steven Guilbeault, who was a well-known environmentalist before joining the Liberal Party in 2019.
On social media, the Canadian Gun Rights Alliance, the Canadian Gun Hall, called the Provost a “radical anti-gun activist” and said that vote liberals would mean gun owners would “lose” their guns. “It was never very clear,” the group wrote.
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“Searching signs of panic,” Doripe replied.
The Provost did not see what was posted on social media on Friday because she was not there. But she had an idea. She said she knew how difficult it was for a woman who advocated for stricter gun control to participate in politics.
“It’s a case of mental health for me, with my own ability to work. As an advocate, it’s real, and I know it’s going to be the same as a politician,” she said.
Guy Morin knows her very well. The president opposed the Quebec gun registry to debate publicly with the Provost, especially on Quebec’s most popular TV show, Tout Le Monde En Parle.
“The problem is that since she is a victim of Polytechnic, she always has the aura of the victim no matter what she can report, and we can’t question what she said.”
Morin is a supporter of Pierre Poilievre’s conservatives in Quebec. However, he believes the liberals have just scored their first goal in the campaign.
“No conservative MPs or conservative candidates want or are allowed to question what Nathalie Provost said, so Nathalie will be completely free to say what she has to say,” he said.
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Molin believes that liberals will now have a perfect candidate to “push the ideology of gun control” and “incorporate conservatives into the ropes again when the theme appears.”
Châteauguay-Les Jardins-de-Napierville is a new ride that replaces Châteauguay-Lacolle (since the 2015 Free Congressman Brenda Shanahan). Québécois has recently been favored in the polls on horseback and has received hope in the next election.
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