Nigel Farage and Rupert Lowe escalate feud with new war of words | Politics News

Nigel Farage and Rupert Lowe escalate feud with new war of words | Politics News

The Bitter War War between Nigel Farage and the Reformation of the MP Rupert Lowe has escalated dramatically with the few who begin new personal attacks together.

Mr Farage Did accusations of bullying by Mr. Lowe reveals and accuses him of falling out with all his fellow Reformation of the UK MPs, with too many “eruptions” using “inappropriate language”.

And he took the extremely unusual step to quote a Minister of Labor, Mike Kane, who after a confrontation with Mr. Lowe in the Commons said his anger shows “a man who is not in control of his own faculties”.

On Friday, the chairman of the party and Farage Lieutenant Zia Yusuf and the Chief Whip Lee Anderson parliamentary announced accusations that two female workers in the offices of Mr. Lowe complained and said he was to the police reported On allegations, he has Mr. Yusuf threatened with physical violence.

Mr. Lowe, suspended by the Parliamentary Party, denied the claims.

The aggression of the feud between the Reformation of the British leader and the Millionaire MP for Great Yarmouth came into articles in the Sunday Telegraph in which they attacked each other furiously.

Lowe claims ‘Witch Hunt’

Mr. Lowe has his oral onslaught on Mr. Farage reinforced by claiming that a ‘witch hunt’ against him is at risk of destroying the attempts of the reform to remove labor from power.

And he claimed that at a time when the Reformation of the UK’s polls raised the attacks on him by the party, would be a turnoff for voters, and stated, “Infiriting failed the Tories – and that is not the reform.”

Mr. Farage also started his Telegraph article by claiming: “If the last general election taught us something, it is that the public does not like political parties that are constantly involved.”

But he claimed that thanks to Mr. Lowe “a barrage of criticism of our activities and its most important actors” downloaded “, the unity of the Reformation is dived.

Rupert Lowe mp. Photo: Dad
Rupert Lowe mp. Photo: Dad

‘Retention strategies always fail’

Mr. Farage said that Mr. Lowe ‘somehow’ managed to fall out with all its parliamentary colleagues ‘, adding:’ We did our best to keep a lid on things, but eventually the inclusion strategies always fail. ‘

He then just before Christmas after a commons collision with Mr. Kane refers, after Mr. Lowe had a debate about a damaged ship containing toxic load in its large Yarmouth voter section.

“Mr. Lowe was not satisfied with the answer he received from Mr. Kane, and at the end of the debate he crossed the floor to disclose his feelings,” Mr Farage wrote.

“A confrontation arose. Heated language was heard. The minister’s shoulder was pressed. Eventually, the serial must have joined the arms to calm things between the two MPs.

“In the comments on Mr. Lowe’s actions later, Mr. Kane (said) ‘The anger displayed against me clearly showed a man who was not in charge of his own faculties’. No one in the Reformation of the United Kingdom publicly said anything about what happened. Instead, we continued.

‘Yet the fact that there were unfortunately too many similar outbursts of Mr. Lowe, which often involves the use of inappropriate language, to the despair of our chief whip, Lee Anderson.

“I was surprised and sad about this behavior. I have probably never seen anything like that in the European Parliament in 2019 when I was the leader of the Brexit party and Mr. Lowe was a MEP colleague. ‘

Read more:
Lowe invites Farage to dinner
Farage gives up the only control over reform
Party passes 200,000 members

(LR) Nigel Farage and Party Chairman Zia Yusuf. Photo: Dad
(LR) Nigel Farage and Party Chairman Zia Yusuf. Photo: Dad

On the allegations of bullying, Mr. Farage wrote: “Last week, the chairman of Reformation UK, Zia Yusuf, showed my two letters sent by female staff to our party headquarters. Each letter contains an accusation of bullying in the workplace involving Mr Lowe.

‘It is alleged that one of the incidents in question occurred within the parliamentary estate. Both women’s letters said these allegations were reported to the parliamentary authorities.

“As a responsible political party, reform uk has a duty of care to every staff member, whether directly or indirectly with us.

“With that in mind, I believe that our chairman was completely ready for reform to appoint a KC to conduct an independent investigation. It is inconceivable that we could ignore such allegations.”

Rupert Lowe. Lying Photo: Dad
Photo: Dad

“I will not tolerate these lies”

In his Telegraph article, Mr. Lowe repeats his claim that there is no credible evidence against him and that he was removed from the party before any investigation began.

“I won’t tolerate these lies, and discussions have already taken place with my legal team,” he wrote. “Is it a surprise that these allegations were made public the day after I made reasonable criticism of Nigel Farage and the Reform Leadership?

“It’s a witch hunt, clearly for everyone to see. I have been frozen from the reform machine for the past few months, in a deliberate and calculated way. ‘

Without Mr. Farage, Deputy Leader Richard Tice or Mr. To mention Yusuf, he said the Reformation of British leadership could not even accept the mild constructive criticism.

He has Mr. Yusuf turned on and wrote: “The allegations against me of the chairman were related to an incident in December, but he only reported them to the police the day after my reasonable interrogation was published.

‘Take what you want. I don’t feel sorry for myself. I feel sorry for the millions of decent British men and women who put their confidence in reform. They deserve better than this evil charade. ‘

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And warning about the damage caused by the falsehood, Mr. Lowe said: “Everything is in danger. Everything. The future of the law in Britain is now in danger. How can the Reformation claim to be a party waiting for the government if they can’t even follow the basic process?

“Reformation has been rising in the ballot box for months. But this ghost of protests will make the party look inexplicable and turn off voters. Infiriting has failed the Tories – and that is not the reform.”

But Mr. Lowe concludes with an olive branch. “On several occasions, I have invited Nigel Farage for dinner over the past few months,” he revealed. “Everyone was denied or ignored.

“Again, I offer a public invitation to Nigel. Let us eat dinner and solve it in the matter that our members, supporters and country would expect. Any time, anywhere. ‘

He added: ‘I want reform to be professional to be fair, be serious. We must provide a credible alternative to the uniparty that has so spectacularly failed.

“The behavior of the leadership has undermined the cause this week, not only in the eyes of the voters, but also in those of serious individuals in the business world and the industry who should win any party of the government.”

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