Lesson for Aussies: Leading KC slams infiltration of New Zealand’s sham ‘indigenous law’

Lesson for Aussies: Leading KC slams infiltration of New Zealand’s sham ‘indigenous law’

Rawiri Waititi MP, of the Maori party, which says, plans “not to be part of this system but to create ours.”

New Zealand is an example of a basket case of Undrip work: the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The country is under attack by indigenous extremists who essentially want the nation to rule for an indigenous dictatorship.

This has been admitted in Parliament by the deputy of the Maorí Party Rawiri Waititi, a racist loon covered with tattoos who likes to parade with a cowboy hat and large tribal ornaments around his neck.

Waititi’s demands of an All-Maori electoral are based on his deformed understanding of the Waithi Treaty, in which most of the Maori tribal chiefs of the first years 1800 knew the sovereignty to the crown of England and their colonial representatives.

Waititi exploits the Marxist cultural indigenist cover taught in the New Zealand schools and universities, the idea that the English and other settlers simply tried to undertake the genocide against the Maori population. It was the Maori themselves who undertook the genocide against the previous inhabitants, the Moriori, who were forced to flee to the Chatham Islands.

Indigenism was put in steroids by former Prime Minister Jaconda Ardern, and the country’s university law faculties now require students to qualify not only in the law, but “Tikanga”, defined by Wikipedia as, quotation: “A Maori term for the Maori law, the law, attitudes and principles and also the principles of indigenous of the colonization of the new roads of the new roads of the new roads of the new roads of the new roads of the new roads of the new roads of the new roads of the new roads of the new roads of the new shoes of the new roads of the new shoes of the new shoes of the new shoes of the new roads of the new shoes of the new shoes of the new shoes of the new shoes of the new shoes of the new shoes of the new shoes of the new shoes of the new roads of the new roads of the new roads of the new roads of the new roads of the new roads of the new roads.

There was no indigenous legal system comparable to that which had been established in Britain over the centuries. Maori law was the tribal law, applied by tribal leaders, who fought with other tribal leaders for territorial domain.

The first leader of New Zealand, Winston Peters, and other Maori on the conservative side of politics, without having a bar of this modern indigenist Baloney, directed a fairly successful electoral campaign on you and related issues, as well as David Seymour of the Libertarian Law Party, who wanted a reprisoption of the Treaty of Wangi’s principles to a referendum.

Both parties entered into coalition with the National Opposition Party that needed its numbers to lead the Parliament. But the latter, especially its leader Christopher Luxon, were a bitter disappointment. Luxon has turned out to be little more than a globalist, a CEO-Technocrat and Yes Man from Banker.

The best thing that Luxon’s team could do to stop the indigenous tide was to end the name of government departments in Maori. Even now, English -speaking foreign visitor to New Zealand faces a disconcerting variety of Maori language when it comes to negotiating a website or government document.

Meanwhile, Peters has received a strong support from a Kiwi Kc Gary Judd leader, who filed a complaint against the compulsory education of customs and Maori language in law schools.

“Tikanga is not law. It is cultural indoctrination, ”Peters published in X last week. “A lawyer from Senior King and very respected with decades of experience in our courts of justice, Gary Judd Kc, has filed a complaint about mandatory studies of Tikanga Maori for law students, which highlights the depths of absurd that this awakening has aroused our society.

“Tikanga regulations will force students to be taught that a system, which does not conform to the rule of law, is the law that must be observed and applied. As Judd KC points out in his complaint, Tikanga is not law.

“Law students should not be fed with the strength of this type of indoctrination of awakening of the inclined version of a culture warrior of what Tikanga means.”

Peters pointed out that the Dean of the Faculty of Auta Law (Technological University of Auckland), Kylee Quince, financed by the taxpayer, “decided to bend down a gutter level and call Judd an ‘old racist dinosaur’ that should ‘die in silence in the corner’.

“This is from someone who is in charge of teaching our law students. How has this type of tasteless, cancerous, the indoctrination of our educational system scared? asked.

Judd KC pointed out what is written in law, and said it was ridiculous to demand that students be indoctrinated with “irrelevant cultural interpretations that are not right, being part of a law title.”

“Someone in the position of fifteen, with this modus operandi septic and out of contact, raises the issue of proper use of taxpayers’ funds. She does not represent New Zealand or what we expect in our tertiary institutions, ”said Peters.

Peters, in several speech commitments throughout the country, has expressed alarm to the cultural revolution that occurs within New Zealand, the same cultural revolution that President Trump gives his head.

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