Justin Trudeau’s full speech ahead of Liberal leadership change

Justin Trudeau’s full speech ahead of Liberal leadership change

“It’s when you try to figure out us that our liberals show our true courage”

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Outgoing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke at the Liberty Leadership Conference in Ottawa before the final vote was announced. The following English reading full text:

Hello, my friends. You know, when I look around in this room, I have only one question: how is the Liberals performing tonight? Now, sit down. Now, I can imagine you all want me to stand up and talk about everything we accomplish together. And don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of all the middle class and the people who have worked hard to join in the past decade, but tonight, tonight is our future as a party, as a country.

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Now, I know that we, as liberals, as governments, are often criticized by friends for not winning the circle of victory. After completing the big thing, we did something very big, and then we immediately moved on to the next challenge. Because as progressives, as liberals, we know there will always be more to do. So it is important to take the time to think and share great success. But not tonight, not tonight, because when liberals gather, we always focus on one thing and still need to do a country worthy of all Canadians. In short, this is what each of us works for our lives.

This is very simple. Liberals are committed to making this country better, not because we think it is broken, but because we have the opportunity and therefore have the responsibility to make sure Canada remains the best country on the planet. Now, the past decade (the last decade) has been challenging the crisis that follows the Canadian crisis. But in every crisis, Canadians show them who they are. We are already together. We support each other. Each time, we become stronger. And now, as Canadians face, from our neighbors is facing survival challenges, an economic crisis, and Canadians are showing exactly what we make!

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Canadians are showing what makes us Canadians, not by who we are not, but by pride in embracing who we are. We are a nation that knows that working for everyone’s fundamental rights is the only way to protect our freedom. We are a country that thinks no one should be left behind and everyone should succeed. We are a country that refuses to accept the wrong choice between a strong economy and a healthy environment. We are a country that takes reconciliation and indigenous peoples as true partners, because it is the only way to a future of common prosperity.

We are a celebrating everyone’s right to be who they want to be, their right to pray and love the ones they love. We are a country that always defends women’s right to choose. And, we are a country that can be diplomatic when possible, but fight when we have to, elbow. But you are in this room, where we watch liberals across the country, you know about fighting: with perseverance, determination. When things get tough, you remember that we had only 35 seats in our house 15 years ago. You remember our ups and downs and all the times when people settled us, they kept saying our party was in the last breath, like all Canadians, and it was when you tried to figure us out, our liberals showed our real goods.

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Tonight, I have to think of two more friends, who are with me, with me every step, for nearly 20 years – the extraordinary Adam Scotty and the unstoppable Katie Telford. Now, when I look at you all in this room, nothing can do my best to thank everyone. I can’t even provide you with a well-deserved rest because we need you again. Your country needs you, maybe more than ever, and I have no doubt you will answer the phone because you have done it before. The liberals will meet at this moment! There is no doubt that this is a defining moment.

Democracy is not given. Freedom is not given. Even Canada is not given. None of this happened by chance. None of them will try to continue. It takes courage; it requires sacrifice; it requires hope and hard work. Sixty years ago, Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson, standing on Capitol Hill, first carried our beautiful maple leaves into the Canadian sky. There was a lot of debate at the time, but Pearson knew very well what we all know now: Our flag would become a unified symbol that could define the next chapter in our nation’s story. Sixty years later, there are more chapters to be written, and I can tell you that the world is looking for what Canadians will do.

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So let’s not get addicted to all the great things we have achieved over the past decade. Let us yearn for greater success in the next decade and decades to come. Let us remain firm, revolt and united, not only let us consider our party. Let us prove our love for the country. As your leader, as your prime minister, I do my best every day to help build a country worthy of all Canadians. I’ve done it for Xavier, Ella Grace and Hadrian and for your kids too. I have done it with you and although you will always find me and accompany them at the same time, their future and your future are now in your hands. Merci, Mes Amis, Merci.

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