Hundreds mark in Wellington for access to puberty blockers

Hundreds mark in Wellington for access to puberty blockers

By Mary Discuss RNZ

Hundreds of people are marching in Parliament to protest against movements that can change as puberty blockers are prescribed in care that claim gender.

Last year, health authorities asked for a new cautious approach after the government signaled its intention to consider regulating prescriptions to young people.

Regulatory measures may include the restriction of the prescription of puberty blockers in the context of care that claim gender, but not its use in other contexts, the ministry said.

The Queer Gate in the Challenge, the Wyatt Dawson Gate, said in a statement that the transgender community and its allies were concerned that any change will mean that trans children lose access to hormonal therapy that prevent unwanted physical changes.

Puberty blockers should be available “on demand,” they said.

Sunday protest occurs after the government instructed the Ministry of Health to consult whether there should be more security measures to prescribe puberty blockers.

He opened public shipments asking if more precautions or restrictions are needed and what impacts it can have on young people.

Half a dozen Queer community speakers and their allies, including the current and former parliamentarians of Green Party Benjamin Doyle and Elizabeth Kerekere, headed for the crowd of hundreds of hundreds gathered at the steps of Parliament.

The former Kerekere, who is also the founder of the Queer Defense Group Tīwhanawhana Trust, said access to puberty blockers is unequal, with young people who were unable to use hormone therapy to prevent early onset of development.

“But if you say you’re trans, you can’t access (them).”

She said that wanting puberty blockers “on demand” still meant going through the correct process.

“For a child, for a young man, I hope it will be done with [the] Support to their Whmen, which they talked about what this means to them and they have the people around them to ensure that the right decisions are being made. “

She quoted the speakers in Sunday’s protest, which talked about how much time access to puberty blockers can take, with some waiting up to two years.

“On demand, I would still interpret how when they need them.”

The Green Party denounced government movements to regulate puberty blockers in gender affirmation care in young people.

The Ministry of Health consultation on additional security measures for hormone therapy was closed in January, but nothing was publicly disclosed.

Deputy Benajmin Doyle added his voice to hundreds of protesters in Parliament, today condemning the review.

They say that the rights of trans and non -binary people should not be in debate.

“How they dare to ask for public consultations about whether we deserve treatment to save lives.

“How they dare to deny children’s health … Access to health care is a human right.”

Doyle said the party is asking the government to increase financing and access to puberty blockers for trans young people.

Results to be consulted

A Ministry of Health’s gate said the government asked the agency to consully if there should be additional security measures to prescribe puberty blockers.

“Through our consultation, we have been sent from public members, including young people of gender diversity and their families.

“We also consult the main stakeholders, including representatives of doctors, health services and health regulators.”

Registration was closed on January 20, but nothing was publicly disclosed.

The consultation followed the ministry last year, asking “a more precautionary approach” to the care of adolescents with gender identity issues and the publication of their evidence to use puberty blockers to treat gender dysphoria.

He found that the evidence that supports the benefits and risks of the use of puberty blockers in gender affirmation was limited and more research on long -term impacts was needed.

He advised that the prescription of hormone therapy for children with gender dysphoria should be limited only to experienced doctors, who were part of a broader multidisciplinary team, including psychological and mental health support.

The policy recommendation received broad support from doctors who provide gender care.

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