Court finds stabbing at University of Waterloo was not terrorism but a hate crime

Court finds stabbing at University of Waterloo was not terrorism but a hate crime

A court in Ontario found that the attack on the University of Waterloo’s gender studies course was not terrorism, but rather a “specially serious” hate crime.

The judge ruled that Geovanny Villalba-Aleman said hatred was the “main motivation” for the stabbing in June 2023, a major aggravation factor.

A 38-year-old female professor, a 20-year-old woman and a 19-year-old man – two students, were stabbed in a classroom at the University Hagey Hall on June 28, 2023.

Police said there were about 40 students in the classroom when the stabbing occurred.

All three were taken to the hospital by inanimate injuries.

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