Florida, S. Africa Emerge as Ocean Energy Hotspots in Global Hunt for Renewable Power

Florida, S. Africa Emerge as Ocean Energy Hotspots in Global Hunt for Renewable Power

The waters off Florida‘s east coast could soon become home to a new kind of power plant. According to groundbreaking research from Florida Atlantic University, this stretch of Atlantic Ocean holds enough energy in its currents to rival traditional power sources—without the carbon footprint. A first-of-its-kind global assessment reveals that water flowing past Florida’s coastline…

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Feel the burn with this amazing video of a Varda space capsule’s plunge through Earth’s atmosphere

Feel the burn with this amazing video of a Varda space capsule’s plunge through Earth’s atmosphere

A small space private capsule has captured stunning onboard scenes from its high-velocity atmospheric reentry. Varda Space’s W-2 mission came to a successful and spectacular end on Feb. 27 when the capsule reentered the atmosphere and landed at the Koonibba Test Range in South Australia. The 265-pound (120 kilograms) capsule spent six weeks in space…

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Exercise Before Heart Failure Hospitalization Could Be Your Lifeline

Exercise Before Heart Failure Hospitalization Could Be Your Lifeline

For older adults living with heart failure, a simple habit could make the difference between life and death: regular exercise before hospitalization. A new study from Japanese researchers reveals that patients who maintained even modest exercise routines prior to hospital admission showed significantly better survival rates and physical function after discharge. The research, published February…

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