The investigation of national citizens on the COVID-19 response of the Canadian government discovered that three out of four Canadians report having been harmed by Covid-19 policies that caused injuries, deaths and infertility of vaccinated men.
The research has produced extensive reports that I mimic COVID-19 experiences in Australia and serve as a useful reference material for any similar reports, and hopefully investigations and prosecutions, in Australia.
In addition to physical injury and death after COVID-19 vaccines, another damage included isolation, greater divorce or family tension, interruptions in the lives of children and students, labor and income losses, commercial failures, increased stress on mental and physical health, reduced health quality and limitations of rights and freedoms.
The research, held in the main places of the cities throughout the country, sought to know what went well and what went wrong during the last three years, and what are the lessons that must be learned from the Covid-19 experience of Canada?
The final research report is based on more than 300 witnesses who shared their experiences during the COVID-19 crisis, or shared their experience in issues ranging from economics and education, to mental health and medical science, to the media and institutional censorship, even social damages and cyclical losses.
A supplementary report of the independent commissioners last November was based on the testimony of 35 lay witnesses and experts for three days of audiences in Regina, Saskatchewan.
The testimony of experts revealed serious infertility problems caused by the vaccine, as well as the lack of transparency and responsibility. The testimonies highlighted the absence of clear supervision mechanisms and government transparency during critical decision -making processes.
Witnesses also presented evidence of suppression of scientific discourse, censorship of alternative views and violations of the informed consent protocols, in addition to the severe financial and psychological cost of blockages, commercial closures and restrictions, particularly in vulnerable populations such as older people and small business owners.
Important health and safety concerns arose after the expert analysis of vaccines safety, adverse event reports and long -term consequences of hasty approvals. The audiences also discussed the risks raised by the contamination of DNA/RNA in vaccine manufacturing processes.
The results reveal how emergency measures undermined democratic processes, concentrating power in a way that eroded public confidence in institutions.